Solutions - Dogwood

We Have the Technology To Make Better Choices

Nobody wants to make the climate crisis worse but many British Columbians don’t realize that the gas they use to cook and heat their homes with is fracked methane gas and is responsible for 11% of B.C. ‘s domestic greenhouse gas emissions, not including fugitive methane releases which are underreported and one of the main drivers of climate change today.

In addition to this, many are unaware that fracking is even occurring in B.C. even though it causes earthquakes, poisons water systems, and negatively impacts the health of neighboring communities throughout Northeastern B.C. In fact, the Montney Shield fracking field in the Peace River region is on track to becoming the largest source of emissions for all of Canada, if the LNG industry in B.C. goes ahead as planned by the government.

But we don’t need to continue using fracked gas in our homes anymore because, thankfully, we have superior options available. Heat pumps and induction stoves are both poison free appliances that are truly superior technologies to the toxic gas alternatives.

Heat Pumps Are Amazing

In a time where heat domes and recurrent heat waves are becoming a regular occurrence in our province, heat pumps can do double duty as a climate solution that both mitigates the climate crisis, by eliminating methane emissions from your home, and helps you adapt to it by keeping your loved ones safe when it’s too hot outside.

Electric heat pumps are extremely efficient at heating homes and can save you money on your energy bills. While Fortis tried to cover this fact up by tampering with their own study, it remains true that heat pumps are six to eight times more efficient than heating with gas. Additionally, heat pumps remain more effective than gas heating, even when it’s extremely cold outside, despite what the gas industry has been saying.

While rebates are often necessary to be able to afford to transition older homes to clean electric energy, electrification of new homes is relatively simple and cheap. Stopping gas hook ups in new buildings also means we can immediately stop expanding fossil gas infrastructure and focus on winding it down so that we can properly address the climate crisis and keep our loved ones safe.

Induction is Better

The fracked gas industry has worked hard over the course of a century to convince people that cooking with gas is not only safe but the best way to cook. It was a successful campaign, partly because it was such a superior way of cooking in comparison to a wood fired stove or an electric coil burner. It became the preferred method of cooking by chefs around the world and the negative health impacts from it were largely unknown until recently.

Studies have shown that cooking with gas in our homes is linked to 1 in 8 cases of childhood asthma. It’s not safe and it’s impacting the health of our most vulnerable. But now, thankfully, it’s no longer the best stove on the market because induction stovetops are far superior. They have impressive power and precision. An induction stovetop can bring a pot of water to boil in less than 30 seconds, but then immediately be brought down to a simmer without a lag. It is incredibly responsive and precise.

It is also incredibly safe. Because it uses the power of electromagnetism instead of a flame, it is far less likely to start a fire. In fact, if you touch the burner when it is on without the presence of something magnetic on it, it cannot turn on and it will not burn you. This new type of stove is great for those who love to cook and it won’t harm your family.

We’ve got the solutions, and it turns out that they are way better than the old polluting options.

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