BC Green Party calls for ban on coalbed methane development
The Green Party is the first provincial party to take a clear position against coalbed methane development. The NDP is developing a policy.
And of course, the Liberals have one – full speed ahead with coalbed methane development, and damn the consequences to communities, First Nations, the land or water.
The Green Party’s internet news release, entitled BC Green Party Calls on Campbell Government to Ban Coalbed Methane Mining, says:
The BC Liberal government continues to promote the exploration and development of coalbed methane and has already sold $50 million in drilling rights in various regions of the province, including wells under development near Fernie and Princeton. Coalbed methane poses a high risk for groundwater contamination by salt and sulphur. On average, wells produce up to 77,000 liters of contaminated water per day per well. The BC government has failed to complete environmental impact studies and has not developed the necessary policies, procedures, regulations and enforcement tools to protect communities. Richard Neufeld, BC Minister of Energy and Mines, says there is nothing to assess. He is wrong. Experience in the United States has shown that there are extensive problems, particularly related to water and human health.
Green Party news release link