Complexities of Enbridge’s Gateway Project
At the invitation of CERES and Ethical Funds, Dogwood Initiative participated in an April 14th, 2009 call-in investor briefing that focused on some of the unique and poorly disclosed risks associated with Enbridge Inc’s proposed Northern Gateway tar sands pipeline/tanker project.
As an NGO with an active campaign opposing the project, Dogwood was asked to give a presentation summarizing the complexities arising from the environmental concerns with Gateway.
The presentation, available above in slide/audio format focused on:
(a) the economic and cultural importance of salmon to northern British Columbians;
(b) the consistent opposition of a majority of British Columbians to the idea of oil tanker traffic through the north coast/Great Bear Rainforest.
Presenters included the Gitga’at and Nak’azdli First Nations, West Coast Environmental Law, Environmental Defence, and Ethical Funds.