The dominos were falling long before COVID-19
Canada needs to stop wasting taxpayer dollars on a dying industry
The future of the oil industry is collapsing before our eyes. This is the worst moment in history to be plowing billions of public dollars into heavy-oil expansion projects like Trans Mountain.
Albertans are right to be terrified. Their economy is being battered by global forces completely out of our control. Now is the time to fix what’s broken – not with taxpayer bailouts for failing oil companies, but with wartime-scale retraining programs for workers, and a new economy built on renewable energy.
People around the world have been sounding the alarm for years. Now, we need our politicians to face reality — and stop doubling down on a dying industry.
The dominos were falling long before the COVID-19 virus slowed world economies and cut oil demand. Teck, MEG Energy and others cancelled big projects before the Saudis launched their latest price war. Now, oil futures are melting like snow in July.
A call to ban fossil fuel subsidies is urgently needed. Canada needs to stop wasting taxpayer dollars on a dying industry — but it’s going to take dedicated people like you to convince tens of thousands of others to take action.
That’s where Dogwood’s Local Power campaign comes in.
Canadians need a vision of hope before they can walk away from the status quo, a future with strong communities powered by renewable energy. But that’s going to require money — and political courage.
Right now Ottawa is planning to spend $16 billion building the Trans Mountain oil tanker project. The provinces blow billions more on tax breaks and handouts for oil & gas companies. But there’s still time to save that money — and launch the economy of the future.
We need to stop relying on a climate-killing commodity that is vulnerable to global price wars. But we also need to give hope to oil workers and their families. The answer is to stop plowing billions of taxpayer dollars into the failing oil industry — and start putting that money into a renewable energy revolution.
If you want to make sure this wake-up call is delivered to politicians, sign our petition now.
When private interests have bailed out of seeing the downside risk of megaoil like Teck, and the Bank of Sweden sold all its Alberta Bonds as being too risky, Moody’s rating agency lowered Albertas credit rating, why is Ottawa still playing the fool???
Will they be the Fool on the Hill for us to suffer with?
I lost my heavy oilfield job back in the price crash of the early 1980s, and began a new career. One of the best things ever in my lifetime, that career change. We can have a much better life for our future, without a demised planet and children’s future too. The time to act on climate change was then, it turns out, but now we get another chance …
Learn more about climate science … after publishing science papers, I write researched climate novels
Pinatubo II
Massive investment being injected into petrochemical projects in Corona,On. Nova Chemical has an estimated $2.5 billion expansion at just one of their facilities here. The whole area is ramping up for more production.