What Are Your Thoughts?
After viewing the short version of ‘Closing Ranks’, also viewable here, or the extended version, viewable here, what are your thoughts?
Two issues I’m particularly interested in are:
(1) The role that Enbridge Inc has played, and will likely continue to play in supporting a review process for its Northern Gateway project that the Wet’suwet’en and other Nations consider a direct infringement on their aboriginal Title and Rights. If the government of Canada is failing to live up to its duties to meaningfully consult First Nations with respect to this review, what burden of action then appropriately falls onto Enbridge? Is it OK to essentially say that it is not Enbridge’s problem, or is a more active role required to reform the review process?
(2) Enbridge CEO Patrick Daniel has claimed that ‘the world needs energy’ and that ‘we can’t deny the rest of the world access to the oil sands’. Mr. Daniel also claims that much of the public good of the Northern Gateway proposal would come in the form of lower energy prices in Asia, thereby making essential fuels more affordable. What do you think of this argument?