Enbridge Shareholders Worried About Oil Spills
Five shareholders representing approximately $70,000 have partneredwith Dogwood Initiative to file a shareholder proposal with EnbridgeInc., asking the company’s Board to investigate the unique risksand liabilities associated with the Company’s proposed Gateway pipeline and marine tanker project for northern BC.
The shareholders are asking the Board to produce a report estimatingthe frequency and volume of oil and condensate spills that could resultfrom their proposed Gateway project, and to assess the financialliabilities these could have for the Company over a range of scenarios.
“Dogwood Initiative has an ongoing and broad based campaign to achieve a ban on all bulk Tar Sands tankers through BC’s north coast,” says Eric Swanson, Dogwood’s Corporate Campaigner. “Enbridge has yet to release a comprehensive assessment of the risk of spills along the tanker and pipeline route. This is of grave concern to some shareholders.”
“I’m asking Enbridge to take a very close look at the issue of spills,” says Peter Dent, one of the shareholders. There were over 13,000 barrels of product spilled on Enbridge’s system last year, according to the company’s most recent Corporate Social Responsibility Report. “If Gateway is built, there will be spills. A risk to the environment is a risk to my share value.”
For more information contact: Eric Swanson – Corporate Campaigner, Dogwood Initiative
250-370-9930 ext. 27