Time is tight! Send a letter to Vancouver’s Mayor and Council asking them to endorse the Vote16 campaign.
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This week, Vancouver City Council will debate a motion to endorse lowering the voting age in B.C. This is their opportunity to speak up for young people who are shut out of decisions that shape their lives.
Momentum is building for Vote16 across the province. The campaign has been endorsed by the Union of B.C. Municipalities, the membership of both the BC NDP and BC Greens, major unions and labour councils across B.C. We’re calling on Vancouver City Council to add their endorsement.
When young people vote we get more inclusive policy, higher voter turnout, and more lifelong voters. Lowering the voting age would enfranchise nearly 70,000 young workers in B.C. who have no say in decisions that affect their livelihoods, health and safety.