Posts by Charles Campbell

B.C. Election: Update 4

Despite strong showings by John Horgan and Andrew Weaver in the election debate, Christy Clark’s Liberals are climbing in the polls. Can our get out the vote volunteers turn ...

B.C. Election: Update 3

As things heat up on the campaign trail before Wednesday’s debate we’re working to get candidates’ on the record at and  preparing to get people to the polls ...

B.C. Election: Update 2

Week two of the B.C. provincial election. Volunteers are signing up to help get out the vote and Charles & Christina take a tour of Burnaby and find pipelines ...

B.C. Election: Update 1

With the B.C. election officially underway Charles & Christina talk about which issues they expect to dominate the airways in the next four weeks and Dogwood’s strategy to get ...

Strength Together – Will Cole-Hamilton

“The people of the BC coast, we’re all we’ve got. If governments aren’t going to speak up for us the only way to make sure that our voices are ...

Thanks For a Great Year

Meet Matthew Fitzpatrick

Meet Francois Brassard

“It was like a happening.” Esquimalt Team Leader, Francois Brassard tells us how organizing with Dogwood has made a difference in his life and in his community. You can ...

Why is Kim Baird on the cover of Alberta Oil magazine?

Back in June, shortly before the Harper-appointed National Energy Board gave a thumbs-up to Kinder Morgan’s oil tanker proposal, the Liberals announced the creation of a new review panel ...