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Posts by Kai Nagata - Page 12

The first ever Dogwood podcast!

Our first podcast! Join Dogwood’s Kai Nagata as he checks in with Tankers campaigner Sophie Harrison and director of organizing Laura Benson about Dogwood’s plan to stop Kinder Morgan’s pipeline. ...

Trudeau is betting against himself on climate

December 22, 2016 | 

Sure, bitumen has a market in 20 years – if climate action fails Prime Minister Trudeau let his mask slip the day he approved two new heavy oil export ...

Kinder Morgan tankers delivering oil to California, not Asia

December 20, 2016 | 

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – December 20, 2016 Kinder Morgan tankers delivering oil to California, not Asia At current oil prices, Trans Mountain simply accelerates heavy oil sales to U.S. BURNABY ...

Will Trudeau cling to Trump … or China?

November 16, 2016 | 

Oil minister dismisses Keystone, favours oil tankers to Asia The election of Donald Trump to the White House last week instantly revived hopes for the Keystone XL pipeline. Blocked ...

What Trump’s win can teach progressives

How do we harness the power of emotion to elect decent people? Yesterday I wrote about how local resistance can slow down climate change, even under a Donald Trump ...

How do we save the climate from President Trump?

November 9, 2016 | 

The power of local resistance in the face of destructive political forces.  I was in my last year of high school when U.S. President George W. Bush decided to ...

Liberals ready to sacrifice three MPs for Kinder Morgan

Gains in Alberta will offset B.C. blowback, sources say Trudeau government officials believe approving the Kinder Morgan pipeline and oil tanker project will jeopardize three Liberal seats in B.C. ...

Pipeline panel proves critics correct

Why did Kinder Morgan panel chair publish her opinion before hearings conclude? Can you imagine a judge publishing her opinion on a criminal trial before either side has finished ...

Letter shows Trudeau ready to break promise on Kinder Morgan

Oil tanker approval would betray written commitment by Liberals. Sitting in a Burnaby hotel ballroom this week across from three sheepish federal pipeline panelists, I couldn’t help but remember ...