Posts by Kai Nagata - Page 13
She was called out for conflict of interest. Her response is bizarre.
Review panel member says her past with Kinder Morgan is no big deal. Imagine in the middle of a murder trial, it turned out one of the jurors was ...
Why No Climate Action? Follow The Money
Big polluters donate big bucks to B.C. politicians Here’s a puzzle: Why is Enbridge, a Calgary-based pipeline operator, still donating money to politicians in B.C.? The company has given ...
CBC pretends Trans Mountain’s 69 oil spills never happened
Truth is the first casualty of the pipeline wars The next time Canada’s public broadcaster publishes a column by Calgary pundit Duane Bratt, it should come with a disclaimer: ...
Whose pipelines are these, anyway?
Crashing heavy oil prices great for China, Saudi Arabia “Oil to tidewater.” It’s an industry mantra happily adopted by politicians – and even some environmentalists. But ask yourself this: ...
Meet the trophy-hunting clowns who dictate wildlife policy in B.C.
Afro wigs, bananas and big cheques for the politicians in the room It’s Spring, which means the usual passel of foreign executives, weird dentists, and professional sports players are ...
Is Christy Clark “Getting to Yes” on Kinder Morgan?
B.C. Premier’s oil tanker resistance could crumble if Site C, LNG are at stake The B.C. government’s lack of support for oil tankers on the West Coast has always ...
Beijing’s Long Game in the Oil Sands
With a Trudeau in office, the Chinese government’s decade-old strategy kicks into gear On October 20th, 2015, Prime Minister-elect Justin Trudeau received a congratulatory call from China’s ambassador Luo ...
Rise of the Green Tories
Part 2 in a two-part series about the next leader of Canada’s Conservative party. Part 1 is about Kevin O’Leary and the temptation presented by Donald Trump. The most ...
Canada’s Donald Trump?
Part 1 in a two-part series about the next leader of Canada’s Conservative party. Part 2 is about Michael Chong and the rise of the Green Tories. The Donald ...