Posts by Kai Nagata - Page 14
China is a country, not a race
Xi Jinping, the President of China, makes Donald Trump sound like a liberal poseur. Cracking down on Muslims? Check. Torturing political enemies? Check. Mass surveillance, violation of reproductive rights, ...
Want Free Trade? Build A West Coast Pipeline, Says China
With final arguments in the Kinder Morgan pipeline review underway in Burnaby, a top Chinese official is using the moment to offer Canadians a deal. In his visit to ...
!!!!!!!!, and other lessons from the federal election
What do you think was the best-performing email subject line of the entire federal election campaign at Dogwood? If you guessed eight exclamation points in a row and nothing ...
People, place and power
This is a blog post about voting reform, though I’m going to start by talking about Star Wars. Bear with me you must. The enemy in the original Star ...
Which voting system is best?
When a favourite sports team falls short in the playoffs, fans are quick to find fault with the umpires, the weather, the league – in short, blaming everything the ...
Strategic voting didn’t defeat Harper. Voter turnout did.
History rarely repeats itself, but it does rhyme. Long before Justin Trudeau ever contemplated a life in politics, his father stoked the embers of Western alienation that would give ...
Spare a Thought for the Cannon Fodder Candidates
This article first appeared in on Monday, Sept. 28, 2015. In the last federal election, 1,279 brave Canadians, most of them earnestly wishing to serve their country, ran ...
An urgent appeal from Kai Nagata
There’s no time to waste. We need national media attention on the Unist’ot’en Camp in Northern B.C. – before dozens, even hundreds of officers in tactical gear move in. ...
The Ballad of Rich and Bill
Dear panel, Ms. Young and NEB staff, I have decided to offer my comments on Kinder Morgan’s proposal in the form of a rhyming ballad. Neither the proponent nor ...