Will Horter - Author Archives - Dogwood

Posts by Will Horter

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times

Twelve hours of Kinder Morgan When they walked in front of the cameras with smiles that threatened to crack their faces, my heart fluttered. As they began talking about ...

Thank you. Now, let’s get to work.

Dogwood’s Strategy Director Will Horter reflects on this historic day It looks like British Columbians may finally get a government ready to fight for what’s right in B.C. Today, ...

Lies, Misrepresentation and Puffing the Market

Could the possibility of a financial lifeline have motivated Ian Anderson to mislead investors? Last week the propaganda campaign pushing Kinder Morgan‘s controversial Trans Mountain oil tanker-pipeline proposal sunk ...

Dirty donation déjà vu

The scandal rocking B.C. politics got its start way back in 2001 I love all kinds of movies, but my hands-down favourites are about underdogs. Any movie where the ...

We need courageous leaders, not empty promises and lies

“It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends.” -Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and ...

Corporate cash addiction corrodes B.C. politics

The tide is turning against corporate money in politics. Yet BC Liberals, NDP keep cashing cheques. Would you pay $20,000 to eat rubbery chicken, drink a couple glasses of ...

Justin Trudeau dangerously underestimates British Columbians

Backlash building as voters feel lied to, taken for granted Surprises are becoming the norm in recent elections. Last year Rachel Notley swept the NDP to an unprecedented majority ...

In every crisis, there is opportunity

November 10, 2016 | 

“The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” -Martin Luther King, Jr. Perspective is hard, especially in this moment of time when the clouds of darkness ...

Never underestimate British Columbians

The federal government is using political calculus that doesn’t add up The last time a Prime Minister named Trudeau forced an unpopular energy policy on a western province, the backlash ...