Posts from ‘Commentary’ - Page 4
If I could vote
How giving youth a ballot will turn the tide on climate Global warming. The rapid decline of our environment. Air pollution. Water pollution. Mass extinction of species. This all ...
Dogwood is pausing our spending on Facebook ads Facebook has a notorious reputation. It has undermined democracy through targeted (read: Black) voter suppression and facilitating a breeding ground for ...
Representation matters: LGBTQ+ youth deserve the right to vote
The “queerest generation yet” could change the face of justice and rights for the LGBTQ+ community As a sixteen year-old in the year 2020, I am honestly and rightly ...
I’m a Black Burnaby student. School officers make me feel unsafe.
Guest blog written by Haleluya Hailu, Summit Youth Empowerment Program alum and Vote16 team member. Originally printed in The Burnaby Now. Re: Liaison programs keep gangs away from ...
The right to decide my own future
Why I joined the #Vote16BC campaign to lower the voting age in B.C. Guest blog by Jenny Tindall, Vote16BC campaigner My name is Jenny Tindall. I am a 16-year-old ...
The case for lowering the voting age in B.C.
It’s no wonder the campaign is picking up momentum in B.C. and around the world. Originally published on the blog Sowing Seeds of Change. My name is Katia Bannister. ...
Film review – Planet of the Humans
The future of renewable energy is in projects built with quality materials and controlled by communities, not big energy corporations — just one of the ways ‘Planet of the ...
The battle plan: make bread, phone grandma, fight Big Oil
While Canadians stay home, corporate lobbyists are working overtime to siphon off federal cash This morning my son and I tied twine to the four corners of a plastic ...
COVID-19: Lessons from our grandparents
The “greatest generation” endured WWII. Now it’s our turn to defend them – and our health care system During World War II most Canadians were not on the front ...