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Posts from ‘News’ - Page 45

Will Harper kill Northern Gateway?

March 12, 2014 | 

Napoleon Bonaparte learned the hard way: don’t fight on more than one front at once. Stephen Harper is a keen student of history – you can bet he’s absorbed ...

Meet Dogwood’s new Energy & Democracy Director

March 10, 2014 | 

My name is Kai Nagata and I’m proud to be joining Dogwood Initiative at their new headquarters in Victoria. I’m here because I share Dogwood’s core goal: for British ...

Pipeline politics – party style

Sometimes I’m surprised by how strongly people look to elected representatives for leadership. To get things done, in my experience, its best to assume politicians are followers, not leaders: ...

In the spirit of kindness

February 15, 2014 | 

Guest blog post by Jess Housty More and more often, we are reading in the news about the federal government and various intelligence and law enforcement agencies allegedly “spying” ...

The No Tankers movement could change politics in B.C. forever

“It’s not enough that we do our best; sometimes we have to do what’s required.” – Sir Winston Churchill In December when the federal review panel announced their recommendation ...

Global perspective on local coal export proposals

January 20, 2014 | 

Dogwood Initiative recently had the honour of hosting a visit from Calvin Quek, head of the sustainable finance program at Greenpeace East Asia. Calvin – a Canadian citizen who ...

The Day a Federal Panel Overruled B.C. — And Nobody Noticed

January 16, 2014 | 

From DeSmog Canada’s Emma Gilchrist On the afternoon of Dec. 19th, as the National Energy Board’s recommendations on Enbridge’s oil tanker and pipeline proposal for B.C. were released, I ...

The real story behind Gwaii Haanas

A few weeks ago, television news and newspaper columns headlined stories about a new totem pole being erected on southern Haida Gwaii. While the coverage was widespread and pictures ...

Six things you should know about B.C.’s position on heavy oil proposals

New documents from B.C.’s Environment ministry — briefing incoming Minister Mary Polak — reveal B.C. is woefully unprepared to respond to even a moderate oil spill. The sorry state ...