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Posts from ‘News’ - Page 5

What if B.C. had its own Climate Defence Force?

July 29, 2021 | 

July 2021 is a good month for international cooperation in the face of the climate crisis  Last weekend a battalion of Mexican firefighters touched down into the inferno that ...

Dogwood’s response to the Alberta Inquiry

July 16, 2021 | 

We’re more determined than ever to stop fossil fuel expansion in B.C. Note: the rules of the Province of Alberta’s “Public Inquiry into Anti-Alberta Energy Campaigns” prevent us from ...

No Idling

June 25, 2021 | 

On the road, record temperatures remind British Columbians how far we’ll have to travel to get past denial. Most every year, in the last few weeks of spring, I ...

At this late hour in the climate crisis, every vote matters

A razor thin victory at City Hall reminds us how we could lose the climate fight. Late last week, Dogwood caught wind that a seemingly-routine series of staff recommendations ...

Plan B: Decarbonize

April 16, 2021 | 

We can’t wait for our leaders to save us. We have to get off fossil fuels. The year was 1994. I was finishing a Bachelor’s of Science degree and ...

Old growth trees cleared for Site C dam reservoir

February 16, 2021 | 

While the controversial project sits in limbo, BC Hydro inflicts irreversible damage Guest post by Ken Boon Premier Horgan is spending $3 million a day of our money on ...

If I can’t be a child, I want the rights of an adult

Society considers me a woman at the age of seventeen, I want my voting rights to reflect that Working with the Vote 16 BC campaign to lower the voting ...

Why teachers support lowering the voting age

December 17, 2020 | 

BCTF officially endorses the Vote 16 BC campaign By: Daya Charchun, Vote 16 BC campaigner Arguably teachers know firsthand what youth are capable of. They see us at our ...

Civil Liberties Advocates Condemn RCMP Spying

December 15, 2020 | 

For immediate release – statement from Dogwood below December 15, 2020 – Ottawa, ON (Algonquin Anishnaabeg Territory) – The BC Civil Liberties Association (BCCLA) condemns the actions of the ...