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Posts from ‘Actions’ - Page 9

On the road again

“I’m glad we’re getting started small and then growing big. We’re going to grow fast here.” That’s what one first-time organizer from Prince George said to us after we ...

The No Tankers movement could change politics in B.C. forever

“It’s not enough that we do our best; sometimes we have to do what’s required.” – Sir Winston Churchill In December when the federal review panel announced their recommendation ...

The first steps of organizing

If enough British Columbians pledge to sign up their friends, family and neighbours, it will be politically disastrous for Premier Clark if she does not stand up for B.C. ...

Presenters in Victoria tell review panel to say no to Enbridge — 253 times

January 15, 2013 | 

“This didn’t occur to me – I mean that I would react this way. I’m an ex-Marine. I don’t do this,” Bill Gaylord said, choking back tears, as he ...

Today is the last day to register to speak at Enbridge hearings

September 20, 2011 | 

So far, 1,440 people on 243 teams have signed up as part of our Mob the Mic action to make official statements of opposition to the review panel looking ...

Change Is Not Just a Click Away

November 22, 2010 | 

Activists, those of us who work to change the world from what it is to what we believe it should be, face enormous challenges: An economy obsessed with unsustainable ...

NoTankers: On the Path to Victory

August 6, 2010 | 

On July 26th, it became apparent that Enbridge – the same company that wants to bring two tar sands pipelines and 225 oil supertankers per year to the north ...

Want an Oil Tanker Ban? Tell the Federal Liberals

Watch this video to get a sense of the historic ‘Solidarity Gathering of Nations’ event that took place in Kitimaat Village on May 29th. Then click here to write ...

Royal Bank Target of New Campaign

Some snow had fallen overnight in Vancouver, and though the streets were clear by morning the chill of it remained, penetrating painfully into hands and feet. A group of ...