Tell the B.C. government to block the Wall Street-backed PRGT pipeline:
Wall Street billionaire and major Donald Trump donor, Steve Schwarzman, wants to fast-track the Prince Rupert Gas Transmission project. Why? Because his financial firm, Blackstone, is now a major investor in the project. can make even more money.
Expanding U.S.-backed fracking operations in B.C. will:
-Raise utility bills for families in B.C.
-Hand more control of our energy resources over to the United States
-Fly in the face of communities along the pipeline route opposed to the project
-Destroy fresh water, salmon and wildlife habitat
-Make climate change WORSE (the methane released into the atmosphere is worse than burning coal)
-Delay the creation of good jobs in the renewable energy industry
The only way this project can move ahead is if B.C. Environment Minister Davidson allows PRGT to use a decade-old environmental certificate.
Indigenous communities along the pipeline route are calling on the B.C. government to reject PRGT and let the project expire. Add your voice in support!