Yes! I support lowering the voting age to 16 in B.C.
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Almost 70,000 young workers in B.C. have no say in the decisions that affect their lives.
Fair pay. Sick days. Paid leave. Workplace safety. Equitable treatment without discrimination. Benefits. Affordability. Education. Planning for their future.
These issues affect all workers in B.C. Yet those under the age of 18 have no voice in our democracy.
It’s time to lower the voting age in B.C.
Young workers in B.C. are already in a precarious position. With little experience and little power, they are typically underpaid and vulnerable to unfair treatment.
Without the right to vote, there is little incentive for decision-makers to listen to young workers and take their unique challenges into consideration.
Youth rights are workers’ rights. And all workers deserve to have their voices heard.