We’re in a climate emergency. But the solutions are all around us: clean electricity projects, public transit, safe homes with electric heat pumps and induction stoves.
Thanks to generations of Indigenous stewardship, the lands known as “British Columbia” are blessed with abundant renewable resources. We have fresh water, rich farmland and a wide variety of healthy ecosystems. We have a highly skilled workforce, knowledge and wealth. We should be well on our way to a safe climate future.
The problem is political. Powerful fossil fuel interests have corrupted our public institutions. Our airwaves are polluted by greenwashing. Lobbyists coerce our politicians into approving and funding more oil and gas projects. Meanwhile, Crown lawyers and police persecute Indigenous land defenders – and anyone else who stands up to the corporations.
That’s why Dogwood is building grassroots power: to expose these attacks on our democracy, uphold Indigenous rights, pick strategic fights with the fossil fuel industry and speed the switch to clean energy. Join us – take action now!
B.C.’s biggest climate problem is methane. It’s been cleverly branded as “natural gas” by the oil industry. However, methane is 80 times worse for the climate than carbon dioxide (like what comes out of a car’s tailpipe). And we’re pumping more of it into the atmosphere every day.
Methane is the gas fracking companies are looking for when they blow apart rock formations deep underground, triggering earthquakes and poisoning freshwater forever. Methane is what’s pumped through pipelines and supercooled to make “LNG”, which can be shipped overseas.
Methane is also the gas that makes the blue flame on a gas stove. Breathing fossil fuel exhaust in your home is terrible for your lungs, heart, skin cells and brain. But like asbestos, lead paint or cigarettes in previous decades, burning methane indoors is considered normal.
Our campaigns target dangerous fossil gas at every step in the supply chain. Through the Frack Free BC coalition, we advocate for a phaseout of fossil gas extraction in B.C.
Together with frontline allies we fight pipelines and LNG terminals that threaten our communities.
And our Safer Homes campaign empowers families to protect their health, pocketbooks and the climate by advocating for a province-wide shift from fossil gas to clean electricity. Join us!
Communities and Indigenous leaders along the pipeline route are calling on the B.C. government to reject PRGT and let the project expire. Add your voice in support!
FortisBC and the toxic fracked gas industry don’t want us to know the truth about the pollution they’re piping into our homes.
Frack Free BC is a growing alliance of NGOs, Indigenous communities, grassroots groups and individuals who are organizing in their communities to put a stop to fracking.
British Columbia faces an urgent choice: renewable power or LNG? Our government claims we can have both. But the absurd reality is that British Columbians are paying billions to ...
Bills, bills, bills … life is getting more expensive for B.C. families who heat and cook with gas. Private gas utility FortisBC jacked up its prices on January 1, ...
While B.C. politicians and reporters watched final vote counts trickle in Monday, a literal power-shift was happening up north. BC Hydro finally switched on the first turbine at the ...