Throne Speech Paints an Oily Shade of Green
“Despite the high minded rhetoric, today’s throne speech signals a move back towards the old resource economy,” said Will Horter, Executive Director of Dogwood Initiative. “It emphasizes support for big, dirty oil and gas infrastructure and gives nothing for energy conservation.”
Dogwood Initiative’s Throne Speech concerns:
- Energy Corridor – BC Government support for a right of way from the oil sands to BC’s coast will subjects our coast to the threat of oil spills and lock BC into expensive infrastructure supporting the world’s dirtiest oil industry.
- Highway 37 transmission line – Putting public money into a power line that primarily helps dirty industries including coal mining and coalbed methane development in Northern BC is contrary to BC’s aspirations to tackle climate change.
- Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) – LNG from BC’s shale gas and coalbed methane will be among the dirtiest and most energy intensive forms of natural gas extraction, raising serious concerns about whether BC will be able to achieve its legislated emissions reduction targets.
“Combined with recent announcements increasing subsidies to the oil and gas industry by millions and the elimination of green retrofit initiatives we are left wondering where the climate leadership has gone” said Horter.
For more information on Dogwood Initiative’s views on the today’s BC Budget contact:
Will Horter – cel: 250 858 9990; email: