Bill 75 draws municipal fire
The president of the Union of B.C. Municipalities, Frank Leonard, has stepped up to denounce their Significant Projects Streamlining Act as an “affront to democracy”. Leonard is a relatively conservative politician, who originally ran for Saanich council under the Liberal banner. In his position as head of the group representing all of B.C.’s municipal governments, he is joining with local leaders from across the political spectrum to denounce the Bill.
Supporters of local control and sustainable land reform may want to call their local councillors and mayor to ensure they are raising their voices against Bill 75. The Bill is the latest in a string of alarming measures to undermine local control and override any checks on development. Citizens can stop this bill, and put a check on the Liberal campaign to hand control of the province to a small group of multinational corporations.
For more, see the Victoria News story filed on our website under News Stories for November 21