Posts from ‘Corruption Inquiry’ - Page 2
BC Liberals rolled the dice with taxpayers’ trust
Photo credit: Pixabay From money-laundering casinos to sweetheart deals for donors, B.C.’s last government left a lot of unanswered questions on the table In July 2015, B.C.’s Gaming Policy ...
Closed door climate policy
B.C.’s Climate Leadership Plan came from more than Big Oil — Big Money was in the room, too Imagine the B.C. government launches a new anti-tobacco campaign to discourage ...
Dogwood calls for a Corruption Inquiry
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 8, 2017 DOGWOOD CALLS FOR A CORRUPTION INQUIRY Campaign finance laws are only the first step in restoring accountability and transparency into government decision-making VICTORIA ...
B.C.’s ‘Wild West’: Where loyalty comes to die
Corporate donors cover all political bases when it comes to getting what they want Political campaigns approach elections believing that 20 per cent of voters will not change their ...
BC Needs a Big Money Corruption Inquiry, Fast
Did major donors to BC Liberals reap favours harming the public interest? Time to find out. Originally printed in The Tyee. Christy Clark rounded out her final days in ...
The Massey Bridge: A boondoggle bought by big money?
Why did the BC Liberals prioritize a project that could harm local communities, the Fraser River and farmland? On the 601 bus to my hometown of Tsawwassen, I watch ...
BC Liberals vow to Ban Big Money
After 16 years of “legalized bribery,” a public apology and some light grovelling. Last fall I sat down and wrote out a timeline of goals for the Ban Big ...
Did Big Money actually influence decision-making in B.C.?
Update: this post was written on June 8, 2017. Since then the ruling BC Liberal party received a vote of non-confidence and the BC NDP, led by John Horgan ...
B.C. is overdue for a corruption inquiry
Heads rolled in the federal sponsorship scandal, and politics is better for it Dinner parties with foreign billionaires, charter flights, private islands, selfies with Bono and Kevin Spacey – ...