Commentary - Categories - Page 8 of 38 - Dogwood

Posts from ‘Commentary’ - Page 8

Where are all the women?

There is one simple way to make politics better: elect more women. Look at these people: To me, with the exception of Christy Clark, B.C.’s former premiers all look ...

Clam scam casts a stink over other fishy decisions

September 13, 2018 | 

Minister’s favour to family member raises questions about lucrative DFO contract Justin Trudeau’s greatest feat to date may be his rehabilitation of the Liberal Party brand. Gone is the ...

Lies and losses

September 11, 2018 | 

Trudeau’s broken promises loom large in federal court decision Last month’s Federal Court of Appeal ruling dealt a crushing blow to the Trans Mountain pipeline and tanker expansion. The ...

No consequences

Why lying politicians love first-past-the-post Court rulings have a funny way of cutting through political talking points. Last week the Federal Court of Appeal made it clear: Justin Trudeau ...

Target practice

July 23, 2018 | 

Thousands cheer online for activists to be murdered. How long before someone takes it literally? “Next time just cut the cables,” wrote 67-year old John Les on Facebook. He ...

SFU preps for Burnaby inferno

Administrators hold a “forest fire” drill. Students say the real threat is giant tanks of crude oil. Officials at Simon Fraser University held a mock forest fire drill on ...

The Great Divide

 A geographic rift is emerging between two competing visions for the future. They can’t both win. The fight between B.C. and Alberta over the Trans Mountain oil tanker project ...

The tip of an iceberg

Trudeau thinks he’s unsinkable. So did the captain of the Titanic. Justin Trudeau needs to lose just 14 votes in the House of Commons to seriously complicate his dreams ...

Five things you should know about Morneau’s Trans Mountain buyout

Now that you, as a Canadian taxpayer, are a pipeline owner… For months, Texas-based pipeline giant Kinder Morgan has been hinting their pipeline and oil tanker proposal on the ...