In your words: Say thank you to Joe Oliver
January is normally the slowest month of the year for donations, but this year was a different story. We saw such a surge in gifts that the national media took notice. Indeed, a sassy “Say thank you to Joe Oliver” note in the memo section of a cheque we received made the news across the country, from the Toronto Star and the Winnipeg Free Press to radio stations in Vancouver and Victoria.
We’re incredibly grateful for the $12,000 surge at a time when the pressure to bring oil supertankers to B.C.’s coast has never been greater. Dogwood is a small grassroots organization and every dollar we receive means we can do more to stand up for B.C.’s coast.
That now-famous memo is just one of many that has caught our attention on cheques and online – here are some of the highlights:
Today I felt compelled to put my money where my mouth is and join with the “radicals” who value a clean environment over dirty oil. The Conservative Minister of Natural Resources, who has lost any semblance of impartiality he may have had with his comments today … has laid down the gauntlet – this is a fight to the finish. If I had more money I would give more, but you and any other group working against this pipeline will get every penny I can afford to give.
– Janis from Montreal, Quebec
Joe Oliver’s letter made my blood boil, and I am tremendously grateful for Dogwood’s rebuttal and ongoing campaign against the Northern Gateway pipeline.
– Emily from the Northern Gulf Islands, B.C.
In honour of Joe Oliver. Thank you for fighting against the northern pipeline.
– Kate from Victoria, B.C.
I am not a “billionaire socialist.” However, I am a concerned British Columbian and Canadian and so therefore I am doubling my usual donation. It’s going to be a long hard road but protecting our environment is well worth the effort! Thanks for all your hard work on the pipeline and tanker file.
– Rob from Victoria, B.C.
We will all be radicals before Harper is done.
– Jean from Fort St. John, B.C.
If there’s one thing I really don’t like, it’s a bully! Hope this helps the cause.
– Virginia from Vancouver, B.C.
This is how I stand up to bullies, Mr.Harper.
– Karl from Burnaby, B.C.
Thank you for giving me, a 73-year-old radical, a voice.
– Stella Ann from Ponoka, Alberta
The “radicals” news coverage is the trail that led me to you.
– Bruce from Toronto, Ontario