News | Dogwood

News and views on climate, energy and politics you won't find anywhere else - Page 148

The Never ending Softwood Story

February 19, 2004 | 

Dialogue about softwood in Canada needs an overhaul. It’s uninformed, simplistic and jingoistic. Even progressive politicians like Jack Layton have been captured by the rhetoric. Just last week he ...

Campbell’s secret meeting: Intimidation of CBM activists?

February 17, 2004 | 

Last week I got a frantic phone call from a friend currently working in northeastern BC. He quietly whispered, “Did you know Premier Campbell is secretly visiting the northeast?” ...

A new era begins-First Nations' days of action

February 16, 2004 | 

Mark February 16, 2004 in your calendars. It will be remembered as an important day in British Columbia history. Today, First Nations from across BC have begun taking local ...

More First Nation Actions

February 16, 2004 | 

Beginning February 16, First Nations from around BC began taking action to indicate their growing frustration with the Liberal government’s land and forestry agenda. These actions are part of ...

Canfor's takeover of Slocan-the impacts (Part 1)

February 13, 2004 | 

Lost in the waves of publicity surrounding the ribbon-cutting on Canfor’s “super sawmill” in Houston was any real discussion of the social and environmental impacts of this mill or ...

Skeena Cellulose reduxxx

February 11, 2004 | 

From Doman to Skeena Cellulose (bankruptcies), and Canfor-Slocan to Lignum-Riverside (mergers), it’s hard to keep up with the real news in the forest industry these days. The mainstream media ...

The next corporate giveaway compensation

February 10, 2004 | 

The next step in the Liberals’ mission to give public resources to logging corporations is expected to be finalized in the coming weeks – the new compensation regulations. Remember ...

Tenure re-allocation: the coming day of reckoning

February 9, 2004 | 

The reality of tenure reallocation will hit logging companies, First Nations and communities in the next few weeks. Dogwood Initiative has learned that the BC government will send letters ...

Much ado about corporations (Part 2): Next steps

February 5, 2004 | 

The release of The Corporation, a new award-winning film by the BC-based team of Jennifer Abbott, Mark Achbar, and Joel Bakan, is opening up dialogue on the legal structure ...