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Posts by Christina Smethurst - Page 2

Parenting in a climate crisis

The year I started having tough conversations about climate change with my four year old My eldest son turned four this year, and since he’s now old enough to ...

Supporter survey – the results are in!

February 14, 2018 | 

Here’s what thousands of British Columbians had to say. In January 2018, Dogwood sent an e-mail to our folks asking for thoughts, concerns and insights around the future of ...


September 15, 2017 | 

The bigger British Columbia’s network of climate activists gets, the harder Big Oil wants us to fall Every morning when I come into the office, I see them lined ...

Podcast for September 2017: B.C. Throne Speech, third time’s a charm

September 5, 2017 | 

After a roller coaster of a year in politics, this week British Columbians are preparing for our third throne speech of the year. What does the new government have ...

B.C. forced to watch its own back — again

Trying to push British Columbians around won’t get Notley and Trudeau the pipeline they want — and neither will anything else Photo: When England’s Model Parliament was first ...

A “full frontal” assault on Kinder Morgan

The Raging Grannies take on the #KMchallenge with their signature flair “Wearing outlandish hats & warbling witty lyrics the Raging Grannies want to have fun while addressing important issues.” This ...

Trudeau dodges questions in B.C. Again.

Liberal poll numbers slide as Prime Minister smiles and waves to angry voters I’m hungry. That’s what I was thinking on Thursday as I stood in the cold and ...

Texas’ big bad wolf sizes up B.C.

Polite Canadians are easy prey for U.S. oil barons I’ve learned a lot about compromise over the last few decades. Living in the United States for most of grade school ...

Safety Means Fewer Oil Tankers, Not More

November 7, 2016 | 

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For immediate release 07/11/2016 Investments in response less effective than preventing oil spills in the first place, say marine safety advocates. VANCOUVER – The federal government ...