
Posts by Dogwood - Page 16

Environmental Groups to Minister Raitt: Plan to Speed Up Approval of Tar Sands Pipelines is Wrong Direction

May 22, 2009 | 

Victoria – Today environmental groups ForestEthics, Dogwood Initiative and Sierra Club Canada responded to Minister Raitt’s proposal to speed up the approval of pipelines by calling on her to ...

Enbridge not on hook for oil tanker spills

May 7, 2009 | 

VICTORIA – Enbridge CEO Patrick Daniel told shareholders at the company’s annual meeting that the Calgary-based company would not be financially responsible for oil tanker spills resulting from their ...

BC First Nations at Enbridge AGM: ‘No Tar Sands Pipeline’

May 6, 2009 | 

May 6, 2009, TORONTO – The environmental risk of a pipeline from Alberta’s tar sands to BC’s north coast is too high. That’s the message members of three BC ...

Enbridge Inc Dodgy on Oil Spill Risks

May 5, 2009 | 

VICTORIA – Calgary-based Enbridge Inc. is asking its shareholders to reject a proposal to report on the frequency, volume, and financial consequences of spills expected from the company’s proposed ...

Canadians across the country say ‘No Tankers’ on 20th anniversary of the Exxon Valdez oil spill

March 24, 2009 | 

 (Victoria) Hundreds of Canadians held protests, outreach events and parties across the country to mark No Tankers Day yesterday, a national day of action to keep BC’s coast safe ...

Fight to protect endangered killer whales far from over

March 20, 2009 | 

VANCOUVER, BC – A lawsuit to protect Canada’s two populations of resident fish eating killer whales is back in court today as environmental groups fight for legal protection of ...

Mint Backs Down

March 18, 2009 | 

(Victoria) After initial threats of fines and imprisonment, the Royal Canadian Mint is now allowing BC based citizens watchdog group Dogwood Initiative to continue its current campaign against tar ...

20th Anniversary of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Declared No Tankers Day in Canada

March 5, 2009 | 

(Victoria) Leading environmental groups from BC and Canada have declared March 24th No Tankers Day, a national day of action to keep BC’s coast safe from oil spills. The ...

Lawsuit forces Canada to protect endangered killer whales

February 24, 2009 | 

VANCOUVER, BC – After British Columbians celebrated the unexpected arrival of two newborn killer whales last week, there is another new cause for hope for BC’s imperilled killer whale ...