Ban Big Money - Categories - Page 7 of 8 - Dogwood

Posts from ‘Ban Big Money’ - Page 7

B.C. Greens demonstrate leadership by banning corporate and union donations

Decision increases pressure on BC Liberals and BC NDP to follow suit VICTORIA, B.C. — Dogwood is applauding today’s announcement by leader of the Green Party of British Columbia, ...

Climate leadership or climate corporatocracy?

B.C.’s Climate Leadership Plan focuses less on change to our climate and more on change in the BC Liberal’s piggy bank.  Last Friday afternoon, in a remote warehouse in ...

Why No Climate Action? Follow The Money

Big polluters donate big bucks to B.C. politicians Here’s a puzzle: Why is Enbridge, a Calgary-based pipeline operator, still donating money to politicians in B.C.? The company has given ...

BC Liberals take coal cash, too

The dirtiest form of finance and fossil fuels: coal BC Liberals take cash so wealthy stakeholders can secure a private audience with the Premier. Sleazy offshore investments are revealed ...

Surprise! B.C.’s deadbeat mining companies are huge political donors

Taxpayers liable for $1.2 billion in cleanup costs as corporations cry poor I really should not have read the newspaper before breakfast this morning. Nothing curdles the milk in ...

Turning the pages of the Panama Papers

May 13, 2016 | 

You don’t have to dig very deep to find a link to B.C. politics The announcement of a new and massive ‘offshore entities’ data leak came a couple of ...

Clark says favouritism to donors ‘should be illegal’

Let’s play a game. How many examples can you find? Guess who said this on CBC radio last weekend? “Here’s the problem that happens, that people should be concerned ...

Meet the trophy-hunting clowns who dictate wildlife policy in B.C.

Afro wigs, bananas and big cheques for the politicians in the room It’s Spring, which means the usual passel of foreign executives, weird dentists, and professional sports players are ...

Who’s sick and tired of Big Money in Politics? Hint: Everyone

Insights West poll finds overwhelming support for ban on corporate, union donations As long as deep-pocketed special interests from anywhere in the world can cut cheques to our politicians ...