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Posts from ‘No Tankers’ - Page 37

Cutting Ribbons Over Our Dead Bodies

November 13, 2008 | 

Usually, when I go to the gym, I don’t work on my legs very much because I figure my daily bicycle commute works them enough. Yesterday, however, I suckered ...

Let’s Get to Work in Saanich/Gulf Islands

September 19, 2008 | 

Tomorrow, Saturday Sept 20th 2008 is a big day. It’s a big day for me, everybody at Dogwood Initiative, our allies, our supporters, and for those who have fought ...

No Tankers: The Straight Goods

September 19, 2008 | 

One of Plato’s major rants in writing The Republic is targeted at the Sophists, who represented a school of thought that emphasized rhetoric as the primary and most essential ...

How to Tackle Tar Sands Dogma: More Beer

September 4, 2008 | 

Sometimes it’s difficult to break through messaging, poor media coverage, and casual opinions (i.e. collectively known as bullsh*t) on an issue to the extent that you can productively talk ...

The Truth Hurts

March 3, 2008 | 

Last week, a Globe and Mail story by Norvall Scott broke news of a “business-led lobbying effort to create a partial moratorium on oil sands development in order to ...

Celebrate heroes – yesterday, today & tomorrow

(Text of speech given at Dogwood’s Sing for an Oil Free Coast celebration attended by 200 people on May 11, 2007 at the B.C. legislature) It’s amazing to be ...

Government’s latest trick: The disappearing offshore tanker moratorium

July 5, 2006 | 

Becoming Prime Minister of Canada gives one a lot of power, but I didn’t know it could turn a somewhat bookish policy wonk like StephenHarper into one of the ...

Pipeline Oil Spills in BC – an anomaly or harbinger of future?

July 27, 2005 | 

Buried in the back pages last week was a story about an oil spill from Terasen’s pipeline that contaminated creeks and land near Abbotsford. Local residents are worried about ...

A community says "Never again"

June 11, 2004 | 

On June 10, 1999, a gas pipeline in Bellingham’s Whatcom Falls Park exploded, killing three young people. The legacy of that event is shared grief and sense of loss ...