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Posts from ‘Stand Up To China’

The long arm of a Chinese trade deal

Taking democracy for granted has consequences for all of us. China has been on my mind lately. The headlines about the Prime Minister’s first official visit to China ahead ...

Whose pipelines are these, anyway?

Crashing heavy oil prices great for China, Saudi Arabia “Oil to tidewater.” It’s an industry mantra happily adopted by politicians – and even some environmentalists. But ask yourself this: ...

Beijing’s Long Game in the Oil Sands

With a Trudeau in office, the Chinese government’s decade-old strategy kicks into gear On October 20th, 2015, Prime Minister-elect Justin Trudeau received a congratulatory call from China’s ambassador Luo ...

China is a country, not a race

Xi Jinping, the President of China, makes Donald Trump sound like a liberal poseur. Cracking down on Muslims? Check. Torturing political enemies? Check. Mass surveillance, violation of reproductive rights, ...

Canada’s first Chinese FIPA case in the making?

You never know where the next huge story is going to come from. I remember the first time I saw Enbridge’s proposal for a West Coast oil tanker port ...

Is the TPP "Bitsy Big-Boy Boomeroo"?

When my daughter was a toddler I used to read her Dr. Seuss books at bedtime. I don’t know which of us enjoyed this ritual more, her or me, ...

Want Free Trade? Build A West Coast Pipeline, Says China

With final arguments in the Kinder Morgan pipeline review underway in Burnaby, a top Chinese official is using the moment to offer Canadians a deal. In his visit to ...

China treaty uproar signals growing rift between Ottawa, grassroots conservatives

Prime Minister Stephen Harper deserves credit for doing something extraordinarily difficult: keeping groups of people who share some values – but fundamentally disagree on others – focused on areas ...