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Posts from ‘General’ - Page 11

What is required to survive

May 6, 2009 | 

Like many of you I am alarmed by the rapid changes caused by our warming climate. As the ice melts on both poles, I can’t help but remember what ...

Carbon Politics & Pricing Tools

April 28, 2009 | 

Third in a series on climate policy The pitched battle between the parties over the carbon tax versus cap and trade reminds me of the first lesson I learned ...

Pipeline Companies Pony Up for Liberals

April 23, 2009 | 

There was a lot of controversy leading up this month’s BC provincial election surrounding Bill 42,  which was designed to limit third party election spending in the 88 days ...

Waiting Game

February 27, 2009 | 

It’s funny to me, how juxtaposed Western Forest Products'(WFP) Duncan Kerr and Capital Regional District Board Chair Geoff Young areregarding the recent announcement by the BC Court of Appeal.  ...

A Sad Day for the Coast

January 5, 2009 | 

On December 23, 2008, while most of us were sipping rum and eggnog, or out getting the Tofurky, Judge Metzger laid down his Supreme Court Decision on six progressive ...

Bye Bye Neufeld

December 23, 2008 | 

BC Energy Minister Richard Neufeld is getting appointed to the Senate  as Stephen Harper attempts to pack the much-criticized body with 18 appointments in case his government falls in ...

Twitching to Get Some Action

December 18, 2008 | 

Recap The  satisfACTION post on Dec 9th gave readers the opportunity to make a difference by attending a rally opposing the province’s inconsistent actions on coalbed methane, or by ...

A walk with my father

December 12, 2008 | 

When I lived in Jamaica my father and I used to take regular trips to the mountains. We would go on the pretense of visiting my Uncles coffee farm ...

A Kink in my Neck, Sir!

December 2, 2008 | 

Ring Ring Ring = Blip Blip Blip Getting lots of people to pick up the phone and call key decision makers about your issue of concern is a time-honored ...