Posts from ‘Commentary’ - Page 35

When Oil and Gas Come to Town

February 17, 2011 | 

On the morning of May 23rd, 2010, Mike Roberts, a Louisiana fisherman, received a call from a friend who told him that he needed to get out on the ...

What Does Dogwood Do?

February 3, 2011 | 

On occasion Dogwood Initiative posts blogs written by our supporters. If you’ve got a topic you’d like to write about get in touch with us  If you’d like ...

Living Naturally

January 11, 2011 | 

On occasion Dogwood Initiative posts blogs written by our supporters. If you’ve got a topic you’d like to write about get in touch with us  If you’d like ...

Change Is Not Just a Click Away

November 22, 2010 | 

Activists, those of us who work to change the world from what it is to what we believe it should be, face enormous challenges: An economy obsessed with unsustainable ...

Types of Harmful Human-Environment Impacts

October 22, 2010 | 

In my last 4 posts (21 July, 13 August, 3 September, 5 October), I primarily discussed ways of assessing the changing magnitude of humans’ impact on the eco-environment. Now ...

Video Takes You Places

October 14, 2010 | 

It’s a blustery Thanksgiving morning in Victoria when Jamie Tanner and I sit down over breakfast to talk about the environmental movement and film-making.  Jamie is one of BC’s ...

Three Technological Inventions with Great Environmental Impact

October 5, 2010 | 

On occasion Dogwood Initiative posts blogs written by our supporters. If you’ve got a topic you’d like to write about get in touch with us  If you’d like ...


September 3, 2010 | 

I must admit I’m disappointed, although by no means defeated. In my last post I asked you to help me answer the following question: During the course of human ...

Ida’s Antics

July 12, 2010 | 

As an activist I’ve had plenty of frustrating experiences with politicians.  Their actions have inspired everything from irritation to disappointment and even disbelief.  It’s a reality of our political ...