News and views on climate, energy and politics you won't find anywhere else - Page 139

The election and reconciling Aboriginal Title

June 21, 2004 | 

The election on June 28 may have a big impact on First Nations in BC. Except for photo ops on National Aboriginal Day showing all the party leaders drumming ...

BC Sustainable Energy Association launch June 21

June 15, 2004 | 

New Association Launches a Sustainable Energy Vision for BC Currently when the wind blows in British Columbia, no wind turbines collect its energy. When the sun shines on homes ...

Remembering Reagan

June 14, 2004 | 

Kirk Anderson

Get the big money out of BC politics

June 14, 2004 | 

“Get big money out of B.C. politics,” Cowichan Valley resident Matt Price told the Citizens Assembly on Electoral Reform. ( link to news story) “We need a change in ...

A community says "Never again"

June 11, 2004 | 

On June 10, 1999, a gas pipeline in Bellingham’s Whatcom Falls Park exploded, killing three young people. The legacy of that event is shared grief and sense of loss ...

In search of Liberal preservationists

June 8, 2004 | 

This just in from British Columbia’s highly regarded political commentator, Vaughn Palmer: “The rumour mill suggests … that the Liberals are moving away from their own development-minded supporters toward ...

Communities lose in timber reallocation

June 7, 2004 | 

(Part 1 of a planned series of updates on community forestry) It has been 14 months since the BC government announced their reforms of BC’s forestry laws. The so-called ...

BCBC: deal closed, public excluded

June 5, 2004 | 

Sometimes we at Dogwood Initiative feel we could spend our days doing nothing but tracking secret privatization projects. From subtler schemes like the attempt to turn Victoria’s Crystal Garden ...

BC Business recognizes unresolved Aboriginal issues create uncertainty

June 3, 2004 | 

Ideology and politics aside, corporations care primarily about making money. The recently released Business Council of BC report, The BC Treaty Process: A Roadmap for Further Progress underscores that ...