News | Dogwood

News and views on climate, energy and politics you won't find anywhere else - Page 143

Oh what a little information about BC Rail can do

April 27, 2004 | 

The Liberal government’s scandalous behavior in deceiving the public about the BC Rail privatization is not just a one-day political fender bender, it is a train wreck the could ...

Beauty, Liberal style

April 26, 2004 | 

Bill Bennet, MLA for East Kootenay, in Hansard, April 26, 2004: “Some people hate the look of a clearcut, for example, and they don’t want clearcuts along highways and ...

Interfor VP Ric Slaco insults German school teacher

April 22, 2004 | 

Ric Slaco is Chief Forester and a Vice-President at Interfor. In the letter below, he is replying to Angelika Hanko and some of her students, who wrote to Interfor ...

Cache Creek chicken blockade

April 16, 2004 | 

Click here for the Cache Creek Landfill Song, a backgrounder on avian flu, and more materials Dateline: 6:00 PM, Friday, April 16, 2004 Meeting with Minister van Dongen in ...

Trash is our goldmine: The Cache Creek Landfill Song

April 15, 2004 | 

The Cache Creek Landfill Song We got a brand new industry That’s catered to finer taste Cause we love Lower Mainland’s money And we learned to love its waste ...

Site C power: we buy, we sell

April 14, 2004 | 

On March 31, 2004, BC Hydro published their 2004 Integrated Electricity Plan. In it, is discussion of Site C, a third dam proposal for the Peace River. It has ...

Where won't the chickens cross the road? Cache Creek

April 13, 2004 | 

“There will be no chickens crossing the road in Cache Creek today,” says Mike Retasket, Chief of the Bonaparte Indian Band. Chief Retasket, who is also the Vice-President of ...

Corporations to decide town’s future

April 9, 2004 | 

The residents of Port Alice must be wondering what has happened to democracy. The future of their town will not be determined in a municipal election, but by corporate ...

Softwood: the more things change, the more they stay the same

April 5, 2004 | 

Markets without competition: BC companies control log prices Recent headlines have shouted about British Columbia’s attempts to go it alone and cut its own softwood lumber deal with the ...