News and views on climate, energy and politics you won't find anywhere else - Page 22
What the fax?!
Don’t let them silence you. Submit your comment by fax to the NEB’s oil tanker review. Look. This thing is clearly rigged. And they are trying to suppress public ...
Big donors, developers desperate to stop Pro Rep
British Columbia’s political elites line up behind the status quo In November 2017, British Columbia finally banned corporate and union donations in politics. This was not an easy feat. ...
Podcast for October 2018: The case for Pro Rep
In this Pro Rep deep dive, Seth Klein, the director of the B.C. chapter of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, dispels the myths of the No side, explains ...
B.C. scare tactics echo New Zealand referendum
Big business, political elites used the same playbook against Pro Rep in 1992 By Kate Williamson, guest writer I’m a New Zealander living in Vancouver, and I’ve been ...
Who’s afraid of Pro Rep?
And what exactly are they so worried about? “A proportional representation system will elect neo-nazis and right-wing extremists.” “This system is too confusing for regular people to understand.” ...
We are the company we keep
Radical right-wing extremists are elected under first-past-the-post. Huh. You’ve probably heard this: proportional representation will elect more far-right extremists, white supremacists, sexists and general bad guys. It’s the No-to-pro-rep ...
What exactly is Proportional Representation?
Don’t let them fool you. This vote is easier than you think. Have you ever felt like those in power don’t represent you? Or that your vote doesn’t make ...
Young voters key to winning Pro Rep
Top priority for reform supporters? Connecting with British Columbians under 35. “British Columbians split on whether to change our voting system,” announced the News 1130 headline after the latest ...
A little bit country, a little bit rock ‘n’ roll
An ode to the beautiful mix of rural and urban voters that make B.C. unique “All you spoiled brats in the city know how to do is spend the ...