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Posts by Kai Nagata - Page 10

Kinder Morgan admits its pipeline may be doomed

Risk disclosure warns investors: be prepared to lose it all It’s a rare dose of honesty from a company with a history of bending the truth. Kinder Morgan filed ...

Healing the election wounds

The battle is over. Time to build toward collaboration. You don’t run for the Liberals or Greens in a riding like Vancouver Hastings if you intend to become an ...

Chaos is a ladder

Hung parliament gives B.C. citizens huge power, if we play our cards right Political watchers wringing their hands over B.C.’s uncertain election outcome would do well to heed Lord ...

Even the media donates to Christy Clark

No wonder people have a hard time trusting news, polls It’s no secret: Canada’s biggest newspaper chain is pushing hard for another Christy Clark majority government. Postmedia, which owns ...

The final piece of the puzzle

  That corporate cash lining party coffers? It’s our money. Mother’s Day is coming up. When I was a little kid, if I wanted to get my mom a ...

Christy Clark can taste victory, again

Clark’s anti-Trump campaign may seem ludicrous, but it’s working Christy Clark’s campaign is funded by the Trump Tower developers and Trump-friendly U.S. corporations. Her campaign pollster worked for the ...

Podcast for the B.C. Election

In this election edition of the Dogwood podcast, Kai Nagata debriefs Christy Clark’s great flip-flop on U.S. thermal coal with Arie Ross. Lisa Sammartino breaks down last week’s leaders’ ...

Clark springs her Steelworker trap

Muddying the waters could suppress the change vote What’s the most damaging thing you could say about a candidate for Premier of B.C.? Probably something like: they’ve been bought ...

Welcome to Payland™, an amusement park for the corporate elite

You might think you live in British Columbia, but it’s really Payland, an exclusive amusement park for the global corporate elite. At Payland, anyone with enough cash can act out their ...