Posts from ‘In Depth’ - Page 9
Oil executives are right (kind of…)
National energy strategy needed I seldom agree with the policy suggestions of corporate CEOs, particularly oil and gas executives. Their proposalsare usually a self-serving brew of tax cuts, subsidies ...
Shell Campaign Escalates
Royal Dutch Shell is in for a run for its money in BC’s Sacred Headwaters. The struggle to “Get the (S)hell out of the Sacred Headwaters” should inspire people ...
Cavalry Intercepts Roxgold
Clashes between First Nations and resource companies are erupting in northern BC. The Sacred Headwaters conflict between Royal Dutch Shell and the Tahltan is on the verge of igniting; ...
Shell standoff brewing in northern BC
Two years after Shell was forced to shut down their coalbed methane drilling operations in the Sacred Headwaters (Klappan), it looks like another face-off is brewing. Royal Dutch Shell ...
Avoiding Accidents
Driving along the Barnet highway as a Branch of the Kinder Morgan Transmountain Pipeline ruptured must have provided for a spectacular site. A geyser of oil emerging from a ...
Gateway to nowhere
Following the frustrated pullout of one of its biggest customers, Enbridge Inc.’s Gateway project is facing it’s 7th major delay since the twin pipelines, slated to open up the ...
The World According to Lunn
NRCan’s Minister ‘truth’ veers farther from the facts. After months of silence Gary Lunn has finally come out and stated publicly “Canada’s New Government’s” position on the moratorium on ...
Minister Lunn's denial of tanker moratorium is pure fiction
The following is an expanded version of a Letter to the Editor sent to the Victoria Times Colonist responding to an article on tankers. The gloves have come off. ...
Shhhh, don't wake the public
The big hush around oil tankers Recent breaches to the 1972 moratorium that bans oil tanker traffic in the inside coastal waters of BC’s north coast are finally getting ...