News and views on climate, energy and politics you won't find anywhere else - Page 132

Kemess North: First Nations, fish and government process

December 8, 2004 | 

Northgate Minerals’ proposal to use Duncan Lake to dispose of tailings and acid drainage from its Kemess North mine expansion is getting a lot of attention. Don Whiteley wrote ...

Much ado about certainty: the aftermath of recent Supreme Court decisions

December 4, 2004 | 

Two weeks has passed since the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision in the Haida and Taku River Tlingit cases. A casual observer would likely be confused by the various ...

Slow going for community forests

November 23, 2004 | 

It looks like the positive signals the Ministry of Forests was sending during the summer were just spin after all. This is disheartening news for some communities, especially for ...

"Priddle Report" on BC's offshore moratorium

November 19, 2004 | 

A pleasant and unexpected surprise! Most British Columbians favour keeping the offshore moratorium. And Roland Priddle is not going to help those politicians who expected him to ease the ...

First Nations report on BC's offshore moratorium

November 19, 2004 | 

It’s two for two for BC’s First Nations and for the protection of land and oceans. On November 18, the Supreme Court of Canada affirmed that government must consult ...

Supreme Court Decision Builds Business Uncertainty

November 18, 2004 | 

The facts of today’s Supreme Court ruling on the Haida case contradict the BC government’s view that the ruling creates business certainty. Despite assertions from Premier Campbell and Attorney ...

Information update: mixed news for public access to shareholders and laws

November 15, 2004 | 

In recent issues of the Dogwood Bulletin, we have reported on some bad news and some hopeful news in the field of public access to information. In this Bulletin, ...

Tsawwassen port deal: Issues and spin

November 15, 2004 | 

The next 100 years of BC’s history will be defined largely by our success in resolving the land title dispute between the Crown and First Nations. The choices made ...

BCUC credibility put at risk by BC Hydro?

November 11, 2004 | 

Can British Columbians trust the BC Utilities Commission? Two editorials warn that the BCUC’s credibility may be put at risk by the Call for Tenders shenanigans of BC Hydro. ...