News | Dogwood

News and views on climate, energy and politics you won't find anywhere else - Page 135

Oct 23 Day of Reconciliation

October 15, 2004 | 

On October 23, 600 members of BC’s First Nations and Chinese communities are sitting down together in Vancouver at a banquet to honour their respective histories in British Columbia ...

Government ignores public opposition, approves Jumbo resort

October 14, 2004 | 

The BC government’s approval of the environmental assessment (EA) for the controversial Jumbo Glacier Resort is just the latest illustration of their contempt for public participation. Cabinet approved the ...

Dogwood staffer runs Victoria Marathon

October 11, 2004 | 

Moira Campbell, Development Director at Dogwood Initiative, completed the Royal Victoria Marathon on Sunday, October 10. Congratulations, Moira, on your first marathon! Race results here

Terasen Exec Acknowledges First Nations' Power

October 8, 2004 | 

Finally, a corporate executive admits what is obvious to anyone monitoring Aboriginal issues in BC. Big logging, mining and fossil fuel companies have a major problem in BC – ...

Haida decision cracks Liberal land use schemes

October 6, 2004 | 

Cracks are beginning to widen in the Liberal government’s land use program. Portrayed as an attempt to modernize BC’s moribund logging and mining sectors, the Liberal legislation and policies ...

Government delays Jumbo decision-you still have time to act

October 5, 2004 | 

As we wrote in September, the government is still accepting public comments on the Jumbo Glacier resort proposed for a pristine valley in the Kootenays. That means you still ...

Jumbo ski resort raises "developing" questions about secrecy

October 4, 2004 | 

Part of Dogwood Initiative’s mandate is to help local people deal with local land use issues. Recently, we have heard from people concerned about Jumbo Glacier Resort, a major ...

Vision TV to air The Corporation

October 3, 2004 | 

Starting on Wednesday, October 6, Vision TV is airing The Corporation, the award-winning documentary documentary, in three parts, on October 6, 13 and 20. The movie is about the ...

BC's first wind project gets EA approval

September 29, 2004 | 

The Knob Hill Wind Farm project has obtained an Environmental Assessment Certificate. Congratulations to the folks at Sea Breeze Power Corp. who have shepherded the project this far. Now ...