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Posts from ‘Let BC Vote’ - Page 6

You’ve been downgraded to letter-writer!

Revitalizing democracy is hard. Sometimes it means making hard decisions where the correct path isn’t clear. I felt that when it came time to decide whether to submit comments ...

The Ballad of Rich and Bill

Dear panel, Ms. Young and NEB staff, I have decided to offer my comments on Kinder Morgan’s proposal in the form of a rhyming ballad. Neither the proponent nor ...

Why do Conservatives fear Dogwood?

Want to make a difference in the federal election? Come work with Dogwood Initiative. At least, that’s what Conservative Party veterans like Stockwell Day and John Duncan seem to ...

Economist Robyn Allan withdraws from Kinder Morgan review

Robyn Allan has withdrawn as an intervenor in the federal government’s review of Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain pipeline and oil tanker expansion project, detailing her reasons for quitting in ...

Citizen groups unconvinced by pipeline regulator’s PR push

April 27, 2015 | 

VICTORIA – Citizen groups representing more than 300,000 concerned British Columbians emerged from a closed-door meeting with National Energy Board (NEB) Chair and CEO Peter Watson unconvinced that the ...

An open letter to Minister James Moore

The general manager of the Jericho Sailing Centre is accusing Coast Guard brass of straight-out lying to the public. Here’s Mike Cotter’s open letter to Minister James Moore. Dear ...

What do you do to prevent more oil spills?

One week ago Vancouver residents woke up to the news that a grain freighter at anchor had leaked bunker fuel into English Bay. No reason to panic, right? Conditions ...

Sooke goes face to face with Kinder Morgan

Kinder Morgan has been on the road lately  doling out money to communities that would be affected by their pipeline project . They found no buyers in Sooke. “Go ...

How does the Let BC Vote campaign fit into federal election organizing and beyond?

February 12, 2015 | 

Like many people, I joined Dogwood Initiative because of its unique citizens’ initiative strategy. As we approach the one-year anniversary of the Let BC Vote campaign launch, I find ...