Let BC Vote - Categories - Page 9 of 10 - Dogwood

Posts from ‘Let BC Vote’ - Page 9

Media advisory: First Nations, allied groups to hold announcement on Enbridge

Media Release For immediate release 15/06/2014 Contact: Kai Nagata (778) 829-6493   Members of the press are invited to attend a joint announcement in Vancouver by a coalition of ...

Spill cleanup plans do not buy consent on Gateway

May 13, 2014 | 

Newly announced federal measures to focus on oil spill cleanup and prevention do not equate to consent from British Columbians to build the Northern Gateway Pipeline, a Dogwood Initiative ...

Is Clark trying to get to “yes”?

Christy Clark has been saying it since July 2012: to win her support as Premier, any bitumen transport project to the B.C. coast would have to meet five key ...

Six Dogwood teams hit their targets

It’s working. Dogwood Initiative and its allies are building what is already the largest nonpartisan political organizing network in British Columbia. We’re conservative and liberal, urban and rural – ...

Following Kitimat victory, Dogwood launches LetBCvote.ca

April 13, 2014 | 

Despite spending unlimited money on advertising and flying in canvassers from Calgary, Enbridge’s crude oil pipeline and tanker proposal has been handed a resounding electoral defeat by the people ...

Let BC Vote!

April 13, 2014 | 

It was a battle between David and Goliath. Sure enough, David won. For weeks, a small troop of local volunteers from Douglas Channel Watch were knocking on doors and ...

Frequently asked questions about Dogwood’s new strategy

What exactly is the plan I’m being asked to support? Dogwood is planning a two-step process to prepare for a potential citizen’s initiative to give British Columbians decision-making power ...

Dogwood Reacts to Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain Project Application

December 16, 2013 | 

This morning, US energy company Kinder Morgan filed a project application with the National Energy Board (NEB) to build a new pipeline to transport diluted bitumen from Alberta to ...

Six things you should know about B.C.’s position on heavy oil proposals

New documents from B.C.’s Environment ministry — briefing incoming Minister Mary Polak — reveal B.C. is woefully unprepared to respond to even a moderate oil spill. The sorry state ...