Let BC Vote - Categories - Page 5 of 10 - Dogwood

Posts from ‘Let BC Vote’ - Page 5

Tanker decision too important to leave to politicians

VANCOUVER – Teams of Dogwood canvassers will hit the streets Saturday morning, gathering signatures in support of an eventual province-wide vote on oil tanker projects. The renewed organizing effort ...

Preparations for oil tanker referendum continue

BURNABY – Organizers with B.C. citizen group Dogwood Initiative are continuing with preparations for an eventual referendum on oil tankers despite the appointment of a new advisory panel to ...

A Game of Votes

As the undead march on Fortress B.C., Dogwood prepares the defences How do you kill something that just won’t die? That’s the question preoccupying Game of Thrones fans, and ...

Is Christy Clark “Getting to Yes” on Kinder Morgan?

B.C. Premier’s oil tanker resistance could crumble if Site C, LNG are at stake The B.C. government’s lack of support for oil tankers on the West Coast has always ...

One step forward, two steps back

In politics, it’s important to remember: Things can change quickly, but they seldom do. Let’s hope Prime Minister Trudeau’s meeting with Premier Christy Clark and the other provincial premiers ...

What’s A Public Hearing Without The Public?

Editor’s Note: Dogwood Initiative’s Kai Nagata applied as an intervenor in the Kinder Morgan pipeline review but was among the hundreds rejected. For this view inside the hearing room ...

The Puck Drops In Burnaby. Which Team Are You Cheering For?

For the next ten days, a dwindling body of intervenors will deliver their arguments for and against Kinder Morgan’s proposed Trans Mountain Expansion Project in a hearing room at ...

Gitga’at: Another Legal Earthquake for Oil Pipelines

Another bad day for Big Oil, another really good day for No Tankers supporters.  Enbridge and Kinder Morgan’s already torturous path to push unwanted pipelines through British Columbia was ...

Kinder Morgan Shambles On Thanks To Zombie NEB

Around the Dogwood water cooler, we call the NEB a branch of the Zombie Harper Government (ZHG). That’s because Conservative appointees will be running the show until 2020. The ...