Posts from ‘Let BC Vote’ - Page 10
Why Premier Clark said ‘No’ to Enbridge
Lots of people, particularly Eastern pundits, were surprised by B.C. Premier Clark’s decision to formally reject Enbridge’s oil tanker and pipeline proposal to ship Alberta crude oil through B.C. ...
Why Clark’s five conditions are nothing but a smoke screen
The vast majority of British Columbians oppose the expansion of oil tankers off our coast. Our jobs, our salmon and killer whales, our sense of ourselves and our future ...
How B.C. can stop oil tanker plans
If you live in B.C. you have the power to stop the Enbridge and Kinder Morgan oil tanker and pipeline proposals from going ahead (if you live outside of ...
Want an Oil Tanker Ban? Tell the Federal Liberals
Watch this video to get a sense of the historic ‘Solidarity Gathering of Nations’ event that took place in Kitimaat Village on May 29th. Then click here to write ...