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Posts from ‘In Depth’ - Page 5

Why carbon taxes won’t work

April 28, 2009 | 

by Cliff Stainsby Second in a series on climate policy “Ban Carbon Emissions, Don’t Price them: Why Cap and Dividend is the Best Approach” identified five criteria for evaluating ...

Fighting to protect Orcas from oil spills

April 20, 2009 | 

Killer whales in BC remain in trouble despite some recent action by thefederal government to designate their critical habitat.  That is why Dogwood Initiative and other environmentalgroups are in ...

Ban Carbon Emissions, Don’t Price them: Why Cap and Dividend is the Best Approach

April 20, 2009 | 

by Cliff Stainsby First in a series on climate policy The current debate over carbon taxes versus “Cap and Trade” is wrongheaded on two counts; (1) it treats global ...

Pipedreams Community Forums

March 30, 2009 | 

    CFTK news coverage of the ‘Pipedreams’ community forum tour by Friends of Wild Salmon, Dogwood Initiative, Pembina Institute, and West Coast Environmental Law that provided a different ...

Tar Sands Tankers Threaten Endangered Orcas

January 29, 2009 | 

Killer whales in BC are in trouble. The Departments of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) failure to protect critical habitat has lead Dogwood Initiative to join a lawsuit filed by ...

Tar Sands and Tankers Part 1: Our Abundant Coast

January 8, 2009 | 

    Enbridge Inc, a Calgary-based pipeline company, wants to bring tar sands tankers to British Columbia’s north coast. This opening segment in Dogwood Initiative’s 4 part series will ...

Tar Sands and Tankers Part 2: Albertan Ambitions

January 8, 2009 | 

    Enbridge Inc, a Calgary-based pipeline company, wants to bring tar sands tankers to British Columbia’s coast. In this, the second in a series of four videos by ...

Tar Sands and Tankers Part 3: The Exxon Valdez

January 8, 2009 | 

    Enbridge Inc, a Calgary-based pipeline company, wants to bring tar sands tankers to British Columbia’s coast. In this, the third in a series of four videos by ...

Tar Sands and Tankers Part 4: Modeling a BC Spill

January 8, 2009 | 

    Enbridge Inc, a Calgary-based pipeline company, wants to bring tar sands tankers to British Columbia’s coast. In this, the last in a series of four videos by ...